Our little pembroke corgi is 5 years old! She’s our little spitfire of a dog. She’s got moxy, savvy and tons of energy. She’s Daddy’s little girl. She is also a rescue. She’s lived in 2 other houses. She was actually first rescued by Candy.
Candy and my hubby rescued Lucy from living in a crate almost 24hrs a day. While Candy was out during the day, Lucy stayed with Mark while he was looking for work. They bonded. They bonded tight. So it was a natural progression for Lucy to come live with us when Candy got her second Boxer Star. Lucy is so smart, she was able to adapt to our routine right away. She’s a great watch dog with those ears of her. She herds us up and down the stairs. She twirls and plays with Daddy before he showers every morning. At night they play with the red laser while she barking with glee running up and down the hall.
She comes to Mama when she needs Reiki. She comes to Mama when her allergies kick up. She comes to Mama when she pulled a muscle and needs healing. She is the one that said Reiki is like twinkling stars to her.
Come and visit Lucy one day, she’ll give you lots of kisses. She loves people. Happy Birthday Lucy, we love you!
Happy Birthday Lucy!!!!!
Thanks Karen!
Happy Birthday Lucy, move over I want to share some of that heat and Sun.
Thanks Arlene! There is room for you!