Reiki for Deaf Dog with Congestive Heart Failure: You know there are pets that pull extra at my heart strings. Candy can attest I love every single one I send Reiki too but then there are some that visit me in my dreams, visit me when I’m giving blessings and then some that reach right out and grab me. This is one of them. His Mama wrote to us if we could give her maybe 13-15 year old dog a Reiki session for possible CHF (congestive heart failure) , possible pneumonia and he had a cough. I thought, of course, we’ll send Reiki to his heart, lungs and his throat to soothe it. She also wanted us to do a mental healing on him since he had been through a lot as well.
During the Reiki session, his energy was so incredibly sweet, his heart was so open and inviting. My goodness, i wanted to kiss him on the nose like I do Sammy Diva. He said to Candy, “this is BIG BIG BIG.” He was referring to his Reiki session. He knew that he was getting the same Reiki that his sister Duckers, the duck, got earlier this summer! He even said, “this is the same that Duckers got!” I remembered that duck pulled at my heart strings so much, I even told the duck I loved him during the Reiki session. I mean, the energy is that strong. This dog said tell Mom that “I’m not scared but no more scary people poking and prodding me.” He could sense the healing energy and the angels around him. It was a wonderful session.
After the session we heard back from Mama, I forgot to tell you he’s deaf, though that probably doensn’t matter. She said she sign languages him that she loves him. OMG, how sweet is that. No wonder this dog is special, no it didn’t matter that he was deaf we could hear him.
A couple of days later, Mama asked us to Reiki him again, yay!! Again, to surround him with love and support of the angels he liked that. He enjoyed the warmth that the Reiki brings. This time he said, “the WARRIORS are BACK JUST FOR ME. “Now if you have been following my blog, that word WARRIOR is a big deal to me. First the horse said it to Janet that we were a different kind of Reiki, we were Reiki Warriors battling disease. Then this week, God says to Bridget to tell me, “Ming is my healing Warrior”. Ok, ok, here’s this deaf, but HIGHLY Intuitive dog saying it again. You know, just when you think you’ve heard everything, there is always more. Well so for me, this was a very special session, just reiterating everything that I have been learning.
Lots of love light and blessings to this Mama and her fur babies!
You know what they say about hearing something 3 times from 3 sources??!!
Thank you Sarah, enough said!! 🙂