Reiki for Anxious Dog due to fireworks: Here’s one of our regulars. We love this dog. We connect with him every now and then. He gets Reiki from his Mum too. Every now and then he’ll need some Warrior Reiki from us. This time he got two sessions from us, one for “pain in his shoulders, possibly because of his hips. Has pain in his hips too. I think he’s taking more weight onto his shoulders from his hips, as his shoulders hurt a lot. A gentle massage here would help.”
So we did a physical healing on him first. We heard back that he was doing much better!
This year his Mum asked us ahead of time if we could schedule a Reiki session before the fireworks began. He was terribly afraid of the noise and needed Valium! But his Mum told us Reiki worked better. So we worked out the details. During the session, he said he had the best Mum ever and that he appreciated her looking out for him all the time. He said she was always arranging things to make sure he was taken care of! We always love to hear how connected these Mama’s are with their pets! Its so heart warming!
We heard later that he didn’t need Valium and that he was blissed out and took a pic.
The picture says it all. Reiki so rocks.
He was sleeping last night when I started listening to your radio interview, then sat up alert & listening!
He knows our voices!! Thanks for the comment! How cute is that!