That is a good thing, hearing that a biopsy is inconclusive. That gives us the hope that it’s not cancer. But it’s not benign either. As humans, we worry. Of course we worry! We’re human. We of course worry when it comes to our fur babies.
We have been giving Reiki to a beautiful dog. He looks so regal to me in his pictures. Which makes sense now that we have given several Reiki sessions but let me start at the beginning. His Mama came to us very concerned which was quite understandable. It sounded as if he had the dreaded “C” word but results were not back yet. He had his biopsy and this what is what she shared with us, “The biopsy surgery that he had last Thursday supposedly “weakened” his bone, and the vet is worried that the bone could more easily break. He is to not run for at least a week and it has only been 5 days, and while I’ve not had much success in him not running, I’m not letting him run long distance outside in a chase fashion. They are not able to determine anything from the biopsy. They told me that we could re-biopsy in two weeks and re x-ray in 1 month. His chest cavity is clear from tumor, but they believe there may be something there that is not detectable.” During his first Reiki session he said our Reiki was different. He had been going through a lot and there was a lot of people. But he felt very loved. We sent Reiki to all of his bones, possible tumors, tired muscles. The seond Reiki session, he went Ahhhh… Ahhh.. he let go all of his tension. Candy did the mental healing on him and he realized he played too hard, but that was it. As we have been giving him Reiki sessions and with feedback from his Mama, we realize this dog is NOT attached to his disease. It’s not that he doesn’t know he has it or knows he has it. That’s what we mean, he doesn’t care he has it. He’s here on Earth and want to make the best of his life now.
During his third Reiki session he he said he was a “superdog and very cool”. He made us laugh. This is not a dog with cancer. Well it’s not a dog that is consciously aware he is sick. Candy taught him a new word called “moderation”. She told him Mama worries if you play too hard and then you’ll be limping, and then she’ll be worried. So today he said “I’m good, I’m good, I’m good. Moderation, moderation, moderation:.” He is so cute.
It’s really a lesson for us all. We talked with his Mama and the Reiki will keep him pain free. While the Reiki may not cure, it can balance and comfort him. As long as he has time here on earth he can play, run, jump and be happy (well in moderation) Its all about quality of life. Candy said even if he is not here physically, his energy, his spirit is SO BIG that he will always be. We haven’t come across a dog like this before. He’s truly special. He’s a blessing to his Mama. We will continue to Reiki him with much love. He teaches us no matter what illnesses we have we can still have the best attitude and quality of life that we can possibly muster up!
I LOVED this story! Thanks for sharing the AWESOME work that you ladies do 🙂
Thanks Becca, much appreciated. You know he really taught us something. He truly is an inspiration!
Love Perusing your blog… always interesting. Thankyou!!!