As CEO of Reiki Fur Babies I wanted you all to be aware of our increase in prices for Reiki sessions.
We don’t usually toot our horns about all of the amazing things happening here at Reiki Fur Babies, but because of the increase in payments we felt you should be aware of some of the things going on. Those of you who have read our website are very familiar with all the testimonials from the clients we have helped and made a difference for.
Our Reiki continues to grow, evolve, and get stronger also. One of our clients, a horse, told us we were no longer giving just love Reiki, but now have become Warrior Reiki Practitioners. Ming and I both bring unique gifts to our Reiki practice. Ming is wonderful at pin pointing the pain/disease and sending the healing energy where it needs to go. Any of you who have communicated with her via email knows she responds immediately. Ming never forgets any animal or person we have ever given Reiki to and she truly forms a bond with each of them.
Both Ming and I love sending the Reiki. Our hearts are fully into each and every session.
We do a lot of intuitive work with your fur babies during the Reiki session. Your pets have sung to me, talked to me, and when they were dying sent me with their last messages to you. We are open to only your fur baby during the Reiki, so we can be in tune with them.
Ming and I have continued to invest in our Reiki practice, so all of our clients will benefit. We want to provide you with our very best Reiki, so we are always learning more, and evolving too.
We hope you to are looking forward to the upcoming changes on our website, in the ways we communicate on Twitter, Face Book, and whatever else we learn and develop. We are committed to give you are best in each, and every Reiki session. We look forward to hearing from you.
This has been a wonderful year for us where we were able to use Reiki for pregnancy, pneumonia, kidney stones, divorce, anxiety just to name a few.
Our new prices will begin Dec.1st
Reiki session for Fur babies $ 75.00 Of course this will always include both Ming and I working together on your pet. We will offer both physical and mental healings.
For people, session will be $150.00. Again, the same applies, where you will have both of us sending Reiki energy healing.