I LOVE this dog’s energy. Just thinking about him makes me smile. The first time Candy and I gave him a Reiki session we could sense what a happy and joyful dog this is. A rescued pit bull. Wonderful. Casper was able to participate in Reiki Talk. Exciting, we would get to give him another Reiki session and hear what he had to say! More excitement!
His Mama told us – “Casper still has flare-ups from his allergies, during which time he is very itchy, and his whole body gets inflamed, even inside his ears and mouth. As he gets older, his ligaments are not in good shape and his hips and stifles are getting more arthritic, so he’s slowing down. His hind legs are very shaky. He loves to play, but runs out of steam a lot more quickly than he used to. He got either a spider bite or a burn (it’s difficult for the vet to tell which) on his right front paw last weekend, which slowed him down with a case of cellulitis and an infection for a few days (and having weak hind legs with a bad front paw was really tough). He’s healing well, now that he’s on antibiotics.
I would like to know if he’s suffering and in pain
(I suspect that he is), whether the new diet he’s on has helped him any. I am also interested to know how Casper feels after Reiki, as he certainly seemed to enjoy his first session. ”
We did a physical healing on him concentrating on his inflamed areas and also his hind legs. When he was interviewed by Janet, it was hysterical.
JR: Indeed, I know that. How do the treatments affect you?
C: They put zip and zing into me. (He means they energize him) Yes, that’s what I mean, they energize me. You (meaning JR) talk a lot too.
JR: Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt your flow.
C: That’s OK. I’m just winding up here. I feel better, I feel less achy and scratchy, at least for awhile afterwards. They bring me good karma (he says that with a grin)
JR: What do you think about future treatments?
C: Bingo! I’m all for it, like I said, it’s very good and convenient to have these treatments done. But you know what? Even more than these treatments helping me, they help everybody help each other. Now that’s one cool thing. Everybody helping everybody. That’s good.
That certainly is!! Casper has a wisdom too to share w/ his Mama and family. The Reiki energy is helping everyone. Reiki Talk is helping everyone. This just rocks. Casper, you are an awesome pit bull.