I was thinking the other day since we now know that other animals receive the Reiki even if we are not directing it to them if the feral cat in my neighborhood could receive it too. Whenever I walk Lucy and Sammy across the street I see a grey/white feral. She never runs from us. She’ll move aside for us to walk by but she’s always looking at us. I think it would be wonderful if she took in the energy too. After all there is a lot of Reiki going on in my house and in Candy’s… the animals on our street should be feeling pretty good!
So again, I’m touched by someone’s generosity to give a feral cat a Reiki session. It’s the Reiki Talk as well. The Mama is the owner of those awesome herding dogs I blogged about earlier. She has a feral cat that gave birth to kittens. But when we gave Reiki to this cat, she didn’t seem as wild. Cautiously taking in the energy this cat did. As time is going on we are getting updates this this cat may not have been feral afterall but perhaps someone’s housecat at some point in time. When we sent the Reiki to her, the energy also went to her kittens. She was cautious at first as a mother should be but she told Janet once she realized it wasnt harmful, she took it and so did her kittens. Wonderful that this Mama kitten could receive some Reiki healing for her and her kittens. I told the Mama of this feral cat, I do believe this is a start of a wonderful love affair!
Wonderful story! I think Petey (my feral) is due for another session. I”ll be in touch with you.
Hi Karen, thanks for the comment. Yay for Petey! Let us know if you want Reiki Talk or Reiki .
Great blog!!! Very informative and inciteful. Excellent!!!
Thanks Paul for the comment! Thanks for stopping by!