Horses Cats Dogs and a Parrot Teach us to heal the planet: Do you ever get the same message over and over but in so many different ways either within yourself, or something you read, something you hear or some one flat out tells you? How about from a horse? I must say this whole year off and on, some days more intensely, other times subtlely but enough that I get the point. Its been a huge growth spurt for me this summer. Lots of thoughts and goals have been rolling around in my head lately. I think its all starting to come together but I have a feeling I’m just touching the top of the ice berg.
I found this statement on line about Light workers. I just love the term. Light workers, or energy workers, help human consciousness evolve in the alchemy of time. They work in and out of grid programs much like beacons of light energy who anchor higher frequencies. That’s what we are doing, we are light workers, we’re here to help the planet. My goal is to heal the animals which in turn in healing their owners. Not just in what they learn from the pets, but there is some actual energy healing going on.
Who told me that? A couple of horses and a cat. Reiki Talk has been not just helpful to the pet and owner, its been eye opening for me, for Reiki Fur Babies.
Candy and I are just in awe. We’re in awe of the Reiki every time, so grateful for its healing energy. But now we are getting more and more validation that it’s a calling, its what we are supposed to do. Its not a hardship, it brings us incredible joy. The beta testing is coming to an end. We have many horses, cats, dogs and even a parrot that have participated. They have taught us so much. The one thing I want to share now that has had me riveted is that the energy can heal any pet and person. But people have to be open to it. Animals are aware of the energy and can use it to help them heal. One of the cats said she can take the energy and use it how she needs it to help her. A horse said that the energy vibrates the entire planet which chooses to be in state of well being. But not all people choose to be this way. The animals want to teach us to strive to be this way.
I know it took me many years of learning, evolving and growing but I know what that horse is talking about. I choose to be in a state of well being every day. Let’s all work together to help heal the animals, in turn we help the planet.
Reiki Talk is still available but no longer in beta testing. Email us to have your animal participate, you never know how the energy and their voice will affect all of our lives.