A couple of months ago a very nice woman wrote to us if we could help a feral cat that looked injured. We said sure but we’d need a pic. So she said she’d get back to us once she was able to get one.
We had never given Reiki to a feral cat. When Candy and I were in Vietnam, I gave Reiki to some wild chickens, an elephant fish in a tank and a stray puppy in a restaurant but never got a chance for some cats!
We have feral cats in our neighborhood and I really don’t pay too much attention to them. There is one across the street and this kind man leaves food out for this feral kitty everyday. But I had to admit they’re kind of a “forgotten” for lack of a better word animal. Why is that? It’s unfortunate really.
Not too long ago we heard back and got the picture we needed. Mama of the feral cat had even named him.
(You’ll find her and this feral kitty on our fan page www.facebook.com/reikifurbabies ) She had been trying to get pictures of this kitty! When we saw the injuries we gasped! My! Could Reiki help this cat? Injuries looked very severe. I put the most benign looking picture up on the Fan page too. I told Candy, aren’t we always amazed at what Reiki can do? Candy said, yes we are.
This feral kitty had its first Reiki session. Not too long after we heard back, appeared this feral cat’s injuries were healing! An amazing miracle of energy healing. During the Reiki session this feral cat knew he was special because he was chosen to be taken care of by a compassionate human.
Then came Reiki Talk with Janet Roper (www.Talk2theAnimals.com ) After the Reiki session, the pet is then interviewed by Janet. We have had spectacular results. What I have been finding personally is that the Reiki Talk is teaching me even more about the animals and What they have to say to us. The feral cat’s Mama asks to participate in Reiki Talk! Now this kitty was getting a second Reiki session! Think of the healing he would receive and plus I was very excited to hear what a feral cat would say!
The cat was definitely helped by the Reiki. The Reiki helped to keep his injury from getting infected he said. He said “I’m in Reiki heaven, man!” That was so hilarious. BUT, the one touching thing that will stick with me forever and gives me even goose bumps as I’m typing is that he felt he was important, he knows he’s special. He even felt he wasn’t as “wild” because someone cared. He was very thankful. Someone cared enough to get this feral cat a Reiki session.
Thank you feral cat’s Mama for participating in Reiki Talk. You have given a voice to feral cats. I believe they are indebted. Blessings to you and your kitties!
Hi – I’m Petey’s Mama. He seems to be doing very well. I ususally see him very little, but I have seen him the past FIVE nights in a row. I even saw him this morning and I have never seen him in the morning, only at night. Thanks Candy, Ming and Janet for being so caring and helpful!
Hey Karen, thanks again for giving Petey the Reiki sessions and the Reiki Talk! Petey certainly sounds like he’s “home”!!
OMG! What an amazing story! Petey is so lucky to have a human like Karen in his life and to have Reikifurbabies & Janet!
Hi Sarah, thanks for the wonderful comments! We agree, Petey is one fortunate cat with a caring Mama!!
Yes, it is a very good thing that Petey found such a loving caretaker like Karen! Kudos to Karen for helping Petey (and I’m sure he’s not the first!) and to Ming, Candy and Janet for helping his recovery!
I think Petey really realizes and appreciates what we all have done for him. He has been hanging around for a whole week now – which is not usual for him! Morning, afternoon and evening! He’s is a sweet boy with big loving eyes!
Hi Karen, thanks for the update! He received two Reiki sessions which he states lasts up to a month. On top of that he was able to share with you and aleviate any of your concerns! Its wonderful! I’m sure he is so thankful for you!
Very nice and touching story. Thanks for writing about this. I work with an animal communicator who uses Chinese Energetic Medicine quite effectively with my cats (who are not feral).
Best, Heidi
Dear Heidi, Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Wonderful to hear that your kitties are getting healing as well!
I just had to write to give everyone an update! I was just talking with my neighbor (another cat lover who has a few ferals of her own). We were talking about Petey. Her daughter lives a block away and she told me that Petey is over there all the time. This gives even more credibility (not that I needed it!) to what Janet told me he said during Reiki Talk. “…there’s a lady a few blocks over who has the day schedule covered for the Petster.” What a wonderful thing!
Hi Karen, what an awesome update! Yes, Petey did say he had a few places to go didn’t he? 🙂 Petster, that is so funny!!