We are in the process of developing a program specifically geared towards horses, which combines Reiki and Animal Communication. We feel that it is now time to do Beta testing, and we are wondering if you would be willing to be a participant in the Beta test program. Should you desire to participate in the Beta test, you and your horse will receive: for $45.00 (this price will change so take advantage of it now)
1. A 30 minute Reiki session full of physical and mental healings! Feedback from Reiki Fur Babies regarding your horse’s state of being.
2. Talk2theAnimals will communicate with your horse and you will hear straight from your horse’s mouth what it was like to receive the treatment, how the treatment affected the horse, and what your horse says about future treatments!
By choosing to embark with us on this Beta test, you will be helping to open a door which will ultimately help thousands of horses and their people, which in turn helps the planet! This is a very big deal and we are so happy and grateful to be a part of it. We are donating $5.00 of each session to a horse rescue program Minnesota Hooved Animal Rescue Foundation.
To have your horse participate, please email us at reikifurbabies@gmail.com for scheduling the Reiki session as well as the communication session as well!
So far it’s going great. What the first horse said brought tears to Candy and I. It was so incredibly moving. My next blog will talk about our first horse!