How Animals Teach Us – It begins again. I’m at the sink washing dishes after a lovely lunch on Mother’s Day no less. Star and Kc are screaming, barking and going crazy! I started to ignore it but then I could take it no longer. I walk out to the garden to see that Star has bent the fence half way down and is barking like a lunatic. That darn squirrel is back again tormenting my Boxer babies! I look to see where to see where this rodent is. I can’t see him at first as I am trying to straighten back up the fence. All of a sudden I look right in front of me 2 feet away from me on a branch in my orchid tree I hear this “gibberish”. This is not the usual scream that the squirrel lets out but a conversational gibberish. I’m stunned. Of course I’m looking for a rock but he puts up a paw and is talking to me. I put my hands down and he makes eye contact and continues to talk. He is chit chatting. I am amazed. I am observing him keep eye contact with me, one paw up, sometimes both paws up saying please pay attention to me! I could understand everything. You know when you meet someone from a foreign country and they are trying to tell you something and you don’t speak the same language but yet you are still able to communicate? This has happened to all of us. This is the first time for a rodent and I to have a conversation. I know it happens to people with their pets. We all communicate with our pets. But this is not my pet, this is a rodent that has been annoying me for months!
I started to talk back. I asked him how he liked the reiki. He said that is why he is talking to me. He said if I was willing to reiki him, he was willing to talk to me. He had me. Then he reminded me about a book that Ming and I had read years ago together called The Blessings of the Beasts. (on Amazon this book is about a skunk and a roach- their journey to be blessed by St. Francis)
It was a reminder to me that he was every bit as important as my dogs. After all, this was the squirrel telling me he is a fur baby too. This conversation went on for 30 min. He moved around trying to get closer to me. The whole time my Boxers were behind me and I told them to stop and they also became mesmerized by the squirrel talking to me. My neighbor was in his yard next to me and whispered over to me, “is that squirrel talking to you?” I made no response. My focus was my new lovely rodent friend, the squirrel.
What a transformation I experienced. Thirty minuntes of awakening in my own garden by a squirrel. It just shows you, you never know who or what will move you. Today, for me, it was an annoying squirrel that woke me up and moved me to tears and made me realize that all of God’s creatures are precious and have value.
What a testimony that we all can Talk2theAnimals! Furthermore, it’s a testimony of how willing the animals are willing and ready to talk with us, and are doing everything in their power to get our attention. I wonder if Star and KC were actually point you towards the squirrel instead of barking at the squireel?
Thanks for sharing!
This is so amazing and beautiful! What an incredible story =)
Amazing story. I’ve had a sense about this ability, but so very affirming to see it in action.
That’s so wonderful! I am so glad that you could hear your new friend.
I wouldn’t doubt that he will bring some friends along next time to show them he was talking to you…you know they are all in the tree saying, “She does what?” I bet you will now see more birds, rabbits etc. all wanting to stop by and say hello!
Keep up your incredible work! We learn so much from our Reiki Fur Baby Friends, Candy and Ming!
Woofy Woo,
Lookie Lou & The Crew
I have always loved to talk to squirrels – they are lovely little creatures! I probably look pretty nutty if someone sees me, but I love to stop and try to talk to them. Sometimes they do seem to respond – often they seem a bit surprised by seeing a human trying to communicate to them. They often respond back to me.
When I was in high school someone brought an abandoned baby squirrel to my mom, knowing she’d take care of him – and we did. We fed and took care of him until he was big enough to fend for himself outside. Even then he kept coming around daily to visit with us and sit on our shoulder – this went on for months until I guess he roamed further away.
It’s awesome to take time to connect with any animal – they each have something amazing to teach us if we are willing to listen. Isn’t that just wonderful? I feel so sorry for the people who don’t understand this – they miss out on so much.
Thanks Pam for sharing such a wonderful story!! So cool that the squirrels will stop and make the time to talk to you.
They do have so much to share with us don’t they. We really enjoyed your story!
What an amazing story …..What miracles that can happen if you just stop and take the time to listen
So very true Barbara. Nature is full of amazing wonderful things and we have so much to learn from them if we do listen! Thank you for the comments!