It all began this morning. I was in the bathroom doing my morning grooming routine. Star and Kc are looking out the screen door onto the patio. All of a sudden Star lets out a YELL and jumps up on the screen! I open the screen door to see what has my sweet Boxer fur babies so excited! This really takes the cake! About 6 feet away on my 12 foot wall lays this stretched out squirrel with his head propped up staring up at my dogs! His tail is moving back and forth in a waving motion! He is actually waving at them! The squirrel is not moving and is truly laying in the sun savoring the moment. Whereas the Boxers are in a frenzy of whining, barking and howling! This rabid rodent with a big fuzzy tail is tormenting my babies!
There is nothing I can do. This squirrel is even sunning himself. As you read in my previous blog, this torment has been going on for awhile now. Though today it seems he has upped his game!
Just the day before he pirouted from the 12 foot fence onto a branch of the neighbors tree and climbed out as far as he could into my yard like it was a see-saw. This squirrel tried to get as close as he could to the dogs. They went WILD with this behavior! I promised I would help them. I ran in the house to look for something to stop the tormenting. All I could find was some TUMS. I grabbed a handful and started tossing them towards him. (I don’t have a very good aim.) As I threw them, he looked to see what was flying by his head. It did not phase him. He never moved. I couldn’t think of anything else to get rid of him. I’m sure the neighbors would not approve of me getting a gun to shoot at the little darling because I may miss and hit a few of them, neighbors that is.
This diabolical squirrel is the size of Lucy. Remember Ming’s Corgi? My neighbors on each side leave bowls of nuts out for this squirrel. My dogs will be trapped for the rest of their lives in agony.
Did you try sending Reiki to the Squirrel..? This may seem like a stupid question..
Dear Susan, I did not try sending reiki. It is not a stupid question at all as I was too annoyed to think about giving it healing energy. You are not the only one to suggest that. So Ming and I will do just that. Thank you for your comments!
That’s one devious squirrel you have. Did you send Reiki to the squirrel?
Thanks for sharing,
Hi Janet, we did try to send reiki to the squirrel however Star tried to interupt the session. She usually loves the reiki sessions. We may try again if the squirrel seesms unchanged.
Well, maybe if both neighbors are leaving out bowls of nuts, he’s waiting for you to follow suit, dogs or no dogs? I personally love squirrels and raised (and released) one from a tiny frozen baby…always a place in my heart for them. He loved my cat, who tolerated my intervention.
How funny…and smart to send the squirrel Reiki. I wouldnt be surprised if he tells his squirrel friends and they get invited over for some Reiki too.
You are right Maureen, organic nuts at that 🙂
Lots of people were telling us that Karen. That’s why Candy gets all the lost dogs too 😉