Since reiki is healing energy, it goes where it needs to go. Many times Candy and I direct it to certain places in the body. Sometimes she will work on the head area and I will work on the body area depending on what is going on with the pet. Sometimes there is one spot, one joint that may need the energy more. The outcomes are awesome. Other times, I’ll do the mental healing and Candy will do the physical. Its a great way for us to work together. If the pet is really sick, we will literally focus all energy to the sick pet so the energy can flow where it needs to.
However reiki does NOT replace the Vet. I take my dogs to the Vet too. If you have a very sick pet and cannot afford regular reiki for your pet, I would encourage you to learn reiki yourself. I learned reiki for my Sammy Diva. So for over a year, I gave Sammy reiki and her hip healed! She was on her way to getting canine hip dysplasia. I have written many blogs about it. So since I was able to heal her hip with reiki I thought why can’t I heal Lucy’s allergies? This is what Candy told me. She said since I give Lucy regular reiki her allergies could be way worse. The reiki she is getting is HELPING. And I still continue to give Lucy reiki. She enjoys it so much and I know it is helping. I keep hoping one day her allergies will be gone!
Sometimes we give reiki to a pet client and the outcome isn’t what we had hoped, BUT the reiki still flowed, the reiki went where it needed to go. Our reiki master taught us that reiki always goes to the greater good.
I love this post, I learned reiki to help heel my incessent thoughts and emotions. I rarely get colds anymore. I also used to have allergies that grew worse over the years. I no longer suffer from seasonal allergies, they’re just gone. I too used reiki on my corgi, Otto. It did not take away his illness but it did ease his discomfort. And at the end reiki also helped me and Otto with his transistion. What a wonderful gift we can give eachother with the aid of this energy.
Thank you Jana for the comments! Yes, isn’t it wonderful that we can help our pets. Aw, would love to see a picture o
of your Otto. We too help many animals in their transition. What a gift you gave Otto!