Vacations, that’s what they’re good for- recharging and renewing. My hubby and I went for a wonderful cruise to the Carribean for a week. Turquoise waters and good food. We met two wonderful couples that were our dinner mates for the week. One couple from Italy, the other from London. What a great time we had each night. For me, meeting new people is so much fun especially when they are from other countries. Just getting insight from other parts of the world is just healthy for us humans in general.
During the week my blackberry worked on and off. There were times where I got emails and other times I just got TM’s. My brother always told me that I must be the type of person that derives energy from people. Some people need to be “alone” to recharge. I on the other hand can recharge by being around people. If you were to leave me on an island with no electronics I’d be miserable in 3 days. Maybe even less. So for those people who received a reply from a “tweet” they sent me or a “DM” or a “TM, a “BB messenger” or even a “FB update ” or best yet a phone call, know that it made ME happy. And even quite energized at times. Plus knowing that I care about somebody and they tell me they are “ok” gives me a sense of peace. So help me out if I ask if you are okay. We’re all connected. And especially in MY energy bubble, we’re very connected.