Grieving the loss of a pet : I was looking deep within as to what I should blog about. Most of the time I have something that I’m pretty excited about and it all just pours out onto a page in not too much time. I have to admit its gotten much easier with time as I blog. As I was pondering what to write, I couldn’t get anything. I sat. I looked within and felt there was a sadness. The last time I felt this we had a pet that had passed on. I have to say that as I keep doing reiki on pets my sadness is lessened as I know that the pet has moved to a place where they are happy and not only happy but HEALTHY. All the pain and suffering it had on earth is now gone.
But it doesn’t replace the sadness or the small “hole” or “emptiness”. Last week our favorite rat passed on. I felt such sadness. Giving so many reiki sessions creates a bond between the animal and I. I may never have seen her physically but I felt her energy. I sensed the love she had for her Mama. But also felt her ‘quietness’ within since she was ill. But I wanted nothing else but for her to be well. The wonderful thing is that after one of the sessions she was able to go home and be home for awhile. I’m sure she was told how much she was loved.
This weekend I did some meditation with a very good friend. I don’t do a lot of it but it was like a re-energizing and a clearing of the pipes! It was awesome. It was a great way to let go and re-charge to be able to send reiki to that wonderful blind poodle and alpha kitty this past weekend!
Our pets are so wonderful, they are so loving and giving. I still thank Sammy Diva everyday for her unconditional love. I tell her for her, I learned reiki. And there is nothing better than to give back to all the pets that come our way!