Every morning I have this routine of a shower, get dressed, blow my hair, brush my teeth, and put on the creams, etc. Now that we have a little girl boxer she is part this morning rituals. She sits by the shower until I get out, and starts to lick me as I try and get the terry robe wrapped around me. She wants to participate in helping me dry off but we discourage this. The robe and towels are more absorbent then Star’s tongue.
Now I start with some body lotion, which I have to be very quick about. That’s because she loves the taste of any lotion I have. You can hear me screaming most A.M.’s no no no no Star … Not that it helps. I just have to be fast to avoid her over dousing on lotion.
Now it’s time to blow my hair dry. Up she jumps on my vanity chair to push her head under the hair dryer. Too funny! If I ignore her too long she tries to grab the hair blown herself. Girls are fun.
Now I begin to brush my teeth with the electric toothbrush, and Star sits next to me with her head up. “Brush my teeth Mommy.” As soon as I’m finished brushing my teeth, I get her toothbrush, and doggy toothpaste. This little boxer girl is so happy having her teeth brushed.
Now Kc is sitting there watching, and Not having any part of this beauty regimen. He usually sits in the doorway, and watches.
I yell for my husband Gordon to bring the camera, and get in the bathroom to snap some photos of all the morning activities with Star for this Blog. Star had to get involved with this too.