When did Kc’s tongue grow longer than the space in his mouth to hold it? My sweet shy black and white boxer Kc is now 2 years old. He has begun closing his mouth with about 2 inches of his tongue sticking out.
I thought for awhile he was doing that to compete with the new puppy Star (the “cute factor”). He does look cute with the tip of the pink tongue sticking out. It makes you laugh whenever you look over at him. But it also makes him look a little on the strange side, like he’s not “all there”. My adorable black and white Boxer. After spending $60,000 to save his life I dont want to start looking into it, so please don’t comment that he needs braces. I’m not getting them. (especially to you orthodontists out there). I guess I’ll have to settle for the “cute factor”.
The tongue sticking out on a boxer is completely normal and one of their quirks. I have a 2 year old girl who constantly does this. We call it her “baby tongue.” She usually leaves a few teeth out too to add to the cuteness factor! Your puppers are SOO cute!
Hi, http://www.reikifurbabies.com to GoogleReader!
Have a nice day
http://www.reikifurbabies.com – da best. Keep it going!