I am now home after spending a relaxing week in Hawaii. While I was there I met Daisy. Daisy is a daschund. I had never seen one with these markings. So I became engaged in a conversation with her owner or so I thought. It was actually the owner’s brother. Seeing someone with their dog made me homesick for my two furbabies. I then brought up in the conversation that it’s so difficult to bring a dog into Hawaii because of the 120 day quarantine and your dog is alone. But its now a 5 day quarantine. The bonus round is that they get to be quarantined with you at your residence. He said the reason for this is because so many dogs were dying from the separation from their owners. They wouldn’t eat or drink. It was too difficult. The powers that be took a look at the policy and changed them. Hurray for Hawaii!!! We noticed that there were a lot more dogs that were being walked in the area. Many snowbirds came to Hawaii for 2-3 months and brought their dogs. That was nice to see. There were a lot more pet stores as well. I think the quarantine change has allowed more dogs and visiting pets too. Good for business, good for the economy, good for everyone.