After a very busy weekend of sending reiki to two cats I finally came home. I was out and about all weekend long and working on two sick cats. Thank goodness and thank reiki that both cats responded and did well.
When I got home I went upstairs to finish up on some work and Lucy followed me. While I was sitting at the computer, Lucy INSISTED that I pick her up and put her on my lap. She has NEVER done that. I picked her up and petted her. I decided I might as well go downstairs and work on the laptop. When I got downstairs Lucy came and SAT on my lap. She NEVER does that. She usually just sits near me. In fact, I usually have to send her reiki even though she’s in my own house because she is totally Daddy’s dog. But tonight was different. Lucy came and sat on my lap as if to catch all the residual energy that must have have been around me from all the reiki this weekend. She seemed so content sitting on my lap… I decided to reiki her as well thinking that Lucy must have needed it as well. She started breathing a little heavier and zoned out looking quite content. Of course I have to reiki my own furbabies if I am sending reiki to the other pets!