Another fun event for the reiki girls! What made this one so nice for us is that we got to take our own furbabies with us. They were dressed in their finest fur and ready to go. They knew something fun was going to happen today.
We drove to Pasadena thinking we were going to be really early. When we arrived at the Rosebowl we saw all the balloons and tents all set up. We started running over there with the dogs. They were so excited. We collected treats for them immediately being loyal mothers. It was nice to get so much positive energy from everyone we met on how cute our babies were, lots of oohs and ahs. We wandered from tent to tent. Ming said to me, “I wonder where the silent auction is.” I had come prepared with stickers with my name and number for the auction. I was ready to go. There it was -the auction in the distance.. only a few feet ahead. I ran ahead with the dogs putting my name on everything. Oh..don’t need that.. don’t have a cat actually. I put my glasses on and studied everything. Well, Star jumped on the table and chose what she wanted. I finally settled on some gift certificates at a restaurant and gourmet tea bags. Nothing else stole my pocket book or my heart. Gordon will be happy to hear that. Ming was looking over with mild interest, she is so much more practical than I am. I guess that’s why we’re in a good partnership. Ming was delighted when she saw our reiki donation displayed so nicely by them. I’m sure it will go to the right fur baby!
Off to mingle. We spot some bulldogs, aren’t they cute?! KC thinks they are relatives. Let’s sniff some butts to see. Sniff sniff, play play. Many people came up to the Boxers. Lucy also does not go unnoticed. Lots of love for that Corgi! She loves people and does shine when people reached down to pet her. Star got a bit too exhuberant around some people. Lots of kisses meant that tongue was all over their faces. I have to calm that girl down!
We even met Boxer Rescue people! I told everyone all about BOCAR and how to rescue a Boxer that wanted one. We continued to mingle and cheered in the racers. Wow, they got in fast! A couple came up and wanted to play with the Boxers. Ming heard the woman say to the husband “I want the little girl.” They didn’t speak too much English, perhaps Russian. I had to explain to them that this dog was not be rescued and that I had already rescued her and pointed them in the right direction. Lucy, Kc and Star were already rescued and not being given up. In fact at this event they had both dogs and cats to be adopted!
There was even a gray horse not for adoption but to support the cause, Kc and Star thought Zulu was from the Ranch. Lucy saw the horse
and thought, what is that?!
We got to see the famous Marley but no photo because they wanted $5. But I got on the stage, that was for free. After a few hours of minging and talking… it was time to go home. We had a great lunch with a good friend. It was a wonderful event. Hope next year we get to meet more reiki bloggers. I hope they raised a lot of money for a very worthwhile cause!