I heard on the news today that on Oct. 1: most dogs and cats in the city of Los Angeles must be spay/neutered by the time they are 4 months old. And its a law- the timing is significant; Wednesday is the first day Angelenos can be cited for not having their pets spayed or neutered under a law that took effect in April (yes, the grace period ends Oct. 1).
In the online LA Times, I read -The charity arm of PetSmart this week announced a pledge to raise $13.8 million to fund eight low-cost spay and neuter clinics in Los Angeles County.
I think that is great. There are too many animals in the shelters and not enough people to take them home and care for them. It is sad how many are euthanized every day.
I know when Candy got Star from BOCAR(With age, comes wisdom), she already came neutered. So she didn’t have to go through the trauma of having to schedule it herself and care for her after the surgery. I know when I got Sammy that was one of the first things I had to do and it’s never fun. Candy had to have Lucy spade as well. She had to have a small fentanyl patch (narcotic for pain) on her paw after surgery and while we were watching her for Candy, she was licking it and almost stopped breathing. SO again, nice that some of the pets we adopt are already neutered!
I think this law is just great! There are WAY too many unwanted, unexpected, sad and lonely pets in shelters and roaming around the streets. It’s so unfair for those babies because their owners neglected getting them spayed and neutered. It’s good to hear the state is cracking down on this legally to motivate pet owners to take responsibility to get their animals fixed!