This is one of those fun stories that turns into a bit of a nightmare. Let’s begin in the living room of our home, where my husband Gordon does his work outs. He is lucky enough to have a wife who arranges for him to have a personal trainer work with him in our home twice a week. It was during one of these work out sessions that Doug Brignole, his trainer was stretching him on the floor, and there it was….. A brown speck. Doug picks it up, and shows it to Gordon so he can see what a “Tick” looks like close up. A tick in our home? Our clean, spotless, scrubbed house is now home to a tick. You know what it means when you find one tick, there of course must be 2,000 (thousand) more close by. They boys alert me to the tick. My skin starts to crawl as I look at the little creature. I’m sure I have an infestation in my once clean home.
What to do? For me I go straight to the real estate section, ready to move immediately. My husband thinks I am over reacting. You think? Maybe we should check for more. Gordon is on his hands, and knees looking all over the floors for more. After several hours, he did find 1 more small one.
That’s it! Action is needed for sure. I head out to the pet store, and get some powder you shake all over the rugs, and the floors. The dogs are headed to the groomers for a flea, and tick bath. All eggs to be killed too. Now the house is covered in a carpet of white waiting for Gordon to vacuum it all up. Gordon got a little carried away when he was sprinkling the flea, and tick pesticide all over he covered the chairs, the couches, and anything that came in his path.
We all survived the tick crisis here at lovely home. My skin did eventually stop itching, and it’s been several weeks without a tick in sight.
Our fur babies have never had a tick on them, so we hope it stays that way forever.
Wow. Cool story. Glad I could participate a little in it. I do remember how freaked out you got by that tick. Good thing I discovered what they look like, when I was working in Nicaragua.