Sammy Diva loves vacations. Why? She gets to be with her family 24/7. What joy, her Mama didn’t leave her side for 4 straight days. Can you just see the smiles? I have food, I have toys. I have with me the people I love and for some reason they don’t have to work. I love Big Bear!! My Mama is always around petting me, playing with me and talking to me. I wish we could go on more vacations!
There is one thing I have learned, if we bring Sammy’s bed, it doesn’t matter where we are. She knows that is her bed and she is safe.
One thing that wasn’t so fun though, is that I was so afraid of the fleas and ticks because of the previous week, I was very careful to not let them outside too long or too much. They were already out more than I had planned. But after all, we’re in the wilderness, they have to get out some. The morning the boys were out fishing I took the girls out and about. Sammy came home chewing on her paw frantically. I grabbed her paw and found thorns stuck in it along with some sap! It was difficult but Sammy was good in letting me help her pull the thorns out of her paw. Back in the cabin!!
Next week we’ll be going to the beach! Dasher and Bella looove sitting out on the deck all day. Dogs are allowed on the beach after labor day but still too many people to really take them there – Wanted to share this repellent recipe for fleas and ticks – I can attest to its efficiency – we used it one summer when we walked in the woods every single day and…not a single tick! Here’s to vacations!
2 lemons (organic are best)
6 sprigs fresh Rosemary
One quart water
Geranuim essential oil (found at health food stores)
Slice 2 large lemons paper-thin.
Place in a bowl with 6 fresh sprigs of Rosemary.
Pour over one quart near boiling water.
Let steep overnight. Flea and Tick Repellent
Add a few drops of geranium essential oil.
Wrap lemons in a cloth and squeeze the oil out of them into the bowl of water.
Strain and pour liquid into a spray bottle.
Keep refrigerated.
Spray dog before going outside into areas inhabited by ticks. Do not spray near dog’s eyes, but be sure to smooth over the facial area by hand where ticks latch on.