I find out a few nights ago that it was a full moon out. That totally makes sense. I mean, It had to be something, at 3am, Sammy Diva wakes up and walks around the room. Part of me awakes listening to see if she has to go out. She walks to the water bowl and takes a drink. I hear her then just pace around the room a bit. She doesn’t come to my side of the bed or Daddy’s. If she needs to go out, she’ll wake us up. But nope, not a sound. I say to myself, please, go back to sleep, go back to sleep. Few minutes later, I hear her snoring again. Almost around the exact time, Mochi decides to throw a furball. How lovely is that. I’m too groggy to
care. However, Lucy then wakes up and starts to bite her paws as if being attacked by the Allergy monster. I flip her over put my arms around giving her reiki and we both fall back to sleep…….
This is an odd week, just balance seems to be knocked off a bit. My closest friends having surgery.. lots of reiki being sent out to family and friends. My very dear friend said to me that I was her “energy” hub and because of that she felt strength going into her surgery. That really made me smile. I liked that. Very sweet. I think we’ll all be back in balance in no time.
Finding balance would be nice. The moon sure has been bright this last week. I was noticing that too — it’s shimmering off the water into my windows. It would be nice to get more than four hours of sleep every once in a while!