KC continued to eat slowly, stay shy, and never really get that puppy bounce. He was still going to the Vet weekly, and now to see a series of Vet specialists. I think from reviewing his 2 inch thick chart he has had to have seen 8 different Vets. He has had every test, blood work up, etc. that they possibly could do to a fur baby. He still did not get any better. In fact KC began to lose his hair. I was in shock! He was all red, and became a hairless dog, who was screaming in pain.
I got a referral to Animal Dermatology Clinic, in Marina Del Rey, CA. Thank God it was close by. Once in for our appointment, the Vet sees KC she says ohhhhhhh, don’t worry I know what he has, and it’s treatable. I started to cry, holding my sweet boxer boy in my arms. Finally someone knew what was going on with him, and there may be an answer too. Turns out KC had demodectic mange (aka red mange ). Demodectiv mange is caused by a microscopic mite called ‘demodex canis.’ All dogs raised normally by their mothers possess this mite as mites are transferred from mother to pup via cuddling during first few days of life. (after the puppy is older it is unable to pick up demodex mites.) Mites are not transmitted to people or other dogs, except from mother dog to her pup.The treatment plan was long and difficult. Baths, dips , medications, skin scrapings, and lots of visits to the Vet.
In between all this KC is screaming from some type of joint pain. X-rays, specialists, consultations etc. The money just flows from our account to theirs. It never really gets to spend any time with us, so our balances are always down.
The cost of love.
The good news is after lots of money, and time, and caring Vets, KC finally recovered from all of his aliments. The growing pains ended, so no surgery was ever required, or even considered for the joints. The mange also with treatment, and time went away. We have had no relapses either, fingers crossed.
KC last week had a wellness check up, and his Vet at Bay Cities Veterinary Hospital, in Marina Del Rey, which gave him a clean bill of health.
Hip- Hip- Hooray-
Glad to hear KC is doing better. Wow, for $60K you could have bought a Boxster. However, you can’t cuddle up or go on walks along the beach with a car. That’s pretty interesting that a mom gets to give her pup mites, you would think there’s other things that a pup would rather receive than get mange only a few days after being born. It’s not easy being a boxer.
Oh – I hope he stays healthy! How sad for him he had to go through so much pain – but what a good Mommy & Daddy he has 🙂
All the best to KC!
It is pretty pathetic that you had to go through so many Vets to get your answer. Demodex is a fairly commonplace disorder. Very common in bully breeds.
Did they tell you diet is very crucial in keeping this mite in check.
Many food allergies can result, and contribute.
It’s very important to keep your dog’s immune system strong, when it is ‘down’ is when you will see outbreaks.
Like when a dog/bitch is in puberty or heat or after giving birth or in extreme stress.. etc..etc…
Also if you give your dog ivermectin shots yourself every month, (shots can be given subcutaneously -under the skin very easy to do) you will combat worms including heartworms ( in fact all worms with the exception of tape worms) assist with flea’s and help prevent outbreaks. This is actually much safer than the dips believe it or not. Also give daily Ester C supplements this is awesome for the immune system and bone/joint issues as well!!!
Hope you don’t mind all my unsolicited advice I just hate hearing stories like yours. There are so many cases where people do not have $60,000 or even$1,000 to spend on a vet.
Good Luck to you!!!! 🙂
It’s impossible to stop paying isn’t it? Just one more vet visit and your baby might just be all better! I think Fergus has cost me about $6,000 (more if I didn’t have insurance), but Smitty has been fairly care-free.
I wouldn’t trade my Ferg for the world, though.
Interesting enough….our boxers could pass as twins. Please note mine is now 5 1/2 and as she is greying, she has bald spots that occur (meaning they come and go). We are chalking it up to the part that is left from Demodex. Watch stress. Watch your pups diet. They bounce back, but after my experiences, realize that when your pup stresses it will be a little more noticeable than other pups. Horribly sad that it cost you so much and so much time. I highly recommend finding a vet more familiar with the bully breed. Please note that after treatment they are also NOT supposed to have sedatives. It can cause nuerological damage. And the boxer breed is sensative to : acepromazine. I have them write NO ACE on my dog’s records so their is not even an error when they have a puppy emergency.
please note ivermectin to treat demodex is not FDA approved and should only done with the help of a vet. it can cause damage to their nervous system.