Look at this WILD puppy.
Everyone knows ALL puppies are the cutest! Well, Lucy was not only cute but the wildest. Look at what Sammy had to put up with. Sammy Diva has the most patient and tolerant personality and was able to put up with Lucy’s antics. Something about being a Mom. Lucy is now 3 and a little more mellow, not much but some. When she was the age in the pictures she would be running, jumping, leaping and LUNGING at Sammy Diva and Ry. Lucy made us laugh so hard every day and still does. Her ANTICS are something else. She has the sharpest hearing, well, look at her ears! If you talk to her she will cock her head to the side as she is listening to what you have to say.
very nice site and very interesting!
kind regards from Austria in the heart of Europe