For me, Reiki has been about the spiritual journey. I have found that each of us has its own “particular” type of Reiki which is why I call ours “archangelic energy Reiki” at times. We all bring our gifts when we heal. Being a healer is the most profound part of being me.
Becoming a Reiki Master is all about being a teacher. Whatever it is, you become a spiritual teacher. You may not decide to attune anyone or you may. The Reiki Master attunement opens you up to many possibilities which you will find on your path. For me, to be able to attune an animal was and is still the most magical thing. Giving back to them what they have taught me over the years fills my heart with gratitude.
During this distance Reiki Master Attunment you will receive the attunement from both Candy and Ming. The attunement will also bring in Hawk energy as well as all the Archangelic healing energy. After the attunement you will be a Usui Reiki Master.
You will receive email support whenever needed to further your spiritual journey.
Reiki Fur Babies –
I sat in meditation staring at the feather at first nothing, but then my eyes refocused and I saw this bright while light coming out of the hawk feathers, I felt my crown chakra open and I became sleepy, at one point I open my eyes and hawk come out of the feather, flies from the feather on the screen directly at me and into my heart. I feel more at peace, my mind is quieter and calmer. I feel like all is unfolding perfectly and I don’t feel rushed as I did for the last few days. I’m sure this will continue to unfold as the days go on. I will let you know what happens. Thank you! You and Candy have given me an incredible gift. I love and adore you both. – Coryelle Kramer, Psychic & Animal Communicator
Reiki Fur Babies –
You two are beautiful and amazing souls, you know that, right? I feel so very blessed that you are in my life. Honored. Truly.
As for my attunement…All I can say is WOW! First thing I noticed was that my hearing was like I had been wearing earplugs and that they were taken out. Then I saw hawk wings spread open to fly, then a leopard showed up, a spider came up the side of me to remind me that I spin my own web, someone presented me a birdcage and I opened the cage and freed the bird. I heard kids playing in the background and a shaman or some kind of medicine woman showed up for a second. These were all coming at different times but quickly, they didn’t hang out, it was like they “stopped by” to do their part…I can tell that I am going to have a hard time mentally sitting still today while I process all of this. Very powerful! Thank you sooo much Ming and Candy!! I’m excited to see how this all unfolds!
Reiki Fur Babies –
Wow. Thank you. so much power came through … lots to process … I may journal about it. I’ll let you know… saw loads of light coming through and sensed all of my Chakras aligning…sensed things from my past releasing…very cool. Thank you! At the end of the attunement, I saw a being a light. Then I realized I AM that light. And I can send that light anywhere I want just with my mind. So cool. During the attunement I also saw strings of symbols going past my eyes faster than I could recognize them…felt like a very ancient language. During the last attunement I saw one symbol, the power symbol. Today it was like dozens of them…like ancient ruins. There will be much more I’ll remember from the attunement as I process it… it’s like a super rich lifelong dream that lasts 25 minutes but packs in years and years of magic and wisdom. I did hear something about being what I am — “a Master now.”
Caren –
As soon as the attunement started, I felt such a powerful surge of energy enter the top of my head and go into my whole body. It was so intense! I saw a ball of intensely white light. I saw a brown bear hugging a little girl in red. I got really sleepy and while the energy was still entering my head, I fell asleep. Hours later I woke and realized that I felt great!
The bear was protecting that girl and I realized later that this bear is my animal spirit. The girl was me. What an amazing experience! I have never felt anything like this before. I feel like this enormous power has been added to me somehow. Thank you so much, Ming and Candy. This is an experience I will never forget and I am so looking forward to whatever comes next on the Journey!