I don’t know what has happened, the full moon, the planets have all aligned, Obama being our new President?! I have no idea what it is. All I know is that I’m happy and grateful. Grateful that many pets have received reiki and not only received reiki but show actual benefits. I mean, benefits that our clients have thanked us for profusedly in hundreds of emails. It’s awesome, it’s overwhelming, it’s beautiful. I don’t even think I have words to express what is inside me. All Candy keeps saying to me, “you are so happy, you are so happy.” I love to see a pet, an animal feel well, feel better. What joy they give us. What joy they give me. And to be able to give back. WOW! WOW! WOW!. It’s fantastic.
A lot of this inspiration that I have received is meeting Alice It has been like the child watching the parent and repeating. Alice is that good. She doesn’t even know what she does. I just have learned by observing this woman and good stuff keeps happening.
Starting out by meeting an Animal communicator and exchanging blogs. I thought what could get better than that? What got better? Giving reiki to another animal communicator’s dog and getting feedback That outright rocked. Well, what a way to start out. What an awesome way to start out the week. Perhaps that just opened the karma doors. I have no idea. But giving reiki to a dog that lives somewhere outside the suburbs of Chicago and helping him sleep and not itch through the night was extremely rewarding. Then the love of a sister to ask for reiki for the dog’s Mama. How could we say no. And to get positive feed back 2 days in a row about how good she felt. Dang right, its better than my birthday! Then to give reiki to a dog who is insecure, even to receiving the reiki but has also blossomed. Its not me, its not Candy. Its the reiki. Its awesome. Its astonishing. Oh it gets better, we are asked to reiki a pregnant Mustang. Yes, we have done horses before, but this one seems so special. Thanking us and not letting us go wanting that energy to her jaw and hips… I heard she even thanked the owner! Ok, ok, here’s the capper, sending reiki to Finland. I’m sorry, but that just was the icing on my week. Just because it was to someone who wasn’t so sure but check out her testimonial under patients. Reiki can go anywhere. Check us out. We’d be blessed, we be happy to meet your pets!
I have to say that these gals are fantastic! They offer Reiki for pets and I want to let you know what they have done for my cat Footer.
Footer has herpes and the rabies shot gave him a reaction. He became increasingly congested. He wouldn’t eat, drink water and he was extremely lethargic. It was Sunday, our vet’s office was closed.
I was referred to Ming and Candy from a friend and I have to say they are fantastic!
They were quick to act to provide healing while I was at work. I was told by my Boyfriend that within an hour (of the distance healing) he was up playing, eating and drinking water! He has felt great ever since!
I’m amazed. I’m a believer in Reiki, the healings have been great for me; I just never thought it would be the same for animals!
Thank you Sue for the wonderful comments. We are very glad that Blackfoot is doing better!!