After I got Sammy Diva’s reading, I was so moved and my connection to her became stronger. I knew though that I couldn’t just stop there. I can’t have one get something and not the other. I knew Lucy would walk to talk to Coryelle Kramer too. It would just be a matter of time. After all Lucy is talking all the time. She’s always got something to say. But I had no idea what was about to be shared. Whoa. Lucy is always been the one to make me laugh. She has a sarcasm to her which makes her that wonderful little spitfire that she is. But what she shared with Coryelle actually broke my heart, well, it really moved me to help her.
Coryelle said she started out kind of on best behavior.. but as time moved on she began to share. I really wanted to know if she was adjusting okay at home since Daddy was away at work for extended periods of time, months on end. My concern has always been for Lucy to be okay. She’s always been Daddy’s dog.. I was happy to hear that Lucy had adjusted and even appreciated my efforts. I was happy to hear that she loves her cousin Charlie and that he’s been a great distraction for her. She even said she wants a pink collar. (I found one for her, she’s right, it looks very cute on her). Just gotta find the yellow one now.
She shared how she views Candy as Mother Mary with rays of light coming out. Candy saved Lucy’s life. Lucy shared that we all shared a past life together, we were all healers. Lucy made a mistake and it cost her life. She’s been trying to heal that part. This TOTALLY made sense to me because when I tried to attune her, she ran away from me, saying I have you why would I need to be attuned. While that was amusing at the time.. I tried again later and she accepted. Well, she felt responsible way back when. My goodness feeling responsible for something you did in the 16th century?! I thought this is too much for this sweet soul to carry around. I told her I would work with her and help heal this part of her so she could go on. We’ve been working on that and all of us around Lucy can see a shift in her. Now Lucy is a healer with Candy and I. I take her to the nursing home and she’s been sitting in on some Reiki sessions with us as well.
What was so fascinating is that when I started to tell Candy the story , Lucy was there, she started to bury her head under the pillow on the couch like she was afraid of Candy’s reaction. Candy told me to call her on the phone to finish. Since she spoke with Coryelle. I came home one day and the 3 of them, Sammy Diva, Lucy and Charlie were all walking in single file out of my office, like they were having meeting! Coryelle said Lucy is coming in to accepting her being a healer again. This is awesome news and knowing that I could help heal her so she could move forward!
At the end of the conversation,
Coryelle said Lucy said, tell Mom that I love her, she’s doing a marvelous job. I love my life. I even love Sammy. I wnat you to feel the energy and focus on that, you’re a healer for God’s sake. (Does that sound like my Lucy or what, haha!)
From FB:
Reiki Fur Babies Yes Deborah Keeting Adams Lucy’s sense of purpose is deep and I’m so happy that I can help facilitate the healing in her so she can move forward. Much too long to be holding all of that you know?
Reiki Fur Babies Thank you all. Yes, this was an amazing discovery for Lucy and I. Lucy is really changing before my eyes every day!
Brandie Younce Wow – great info!
JoyceAnn Nordell Miller Oh my goodness, just read the post…bless her heart! I love that they were having a meeting too!
Mv Rosemarie Villefranche Hello sweey Lucy
JoyceAnn Nordell Miller I love her face!
Deborah Keeting Adams Lucy has always reminded me of my Zion. Always has something to say & on the move always with a sense of purpose. I should look at having him chat with Coryelle sometime as well. What he says to Candy is always incredible.
This made my day, I got laughter and hope. Something i needed about right now
Thank you for the comments. yes, Lucy is that, she does make me laugh.. and hope for her future and ours.
Lucy is a beautiful, sassy being and I loved every minute of talking with her. Through the conversation with Lucy and all your animals Ming I’ve also shifted and have become a better person for it. Thank you
I love your comments Coryelle because the same thing as happened to me. I love that we can all share our gifts to each other. Lucy is shifting and growing as we are too.