I am a Reiki Master Practitioner (not a Teacher) so I can’t attune others and working with animals wasn’t something my teacher ever stressed although I do it for a local rescue organization. My 15-year-old cat Jack is having many health issues and I’m wondering if having him attuned would help him. He enjoys getting Reiki from me but perhaps this would help him even more. (picture below of Jack post attunement)
Jack said Jack knows this, the lessons for Jack were a language Jack knows from Mom. Jack feels like Jack walked through a portal into a magical place with all these super powers. Jack is a healer like Mom! Mom can relax because Jack now can do healing on Jack. All the lessons were teaching Jack how to heal thyself Jack. Jack knows Jacks body has really begun to slow down and Jack’s energy is so low but this healing has allowed Jack to feel the surge from within whenever Jack needs the healing energy . Jack will be using this healing all the time and throughout Jack’s body .
Mom said after Jack’s attunement : Jack was very quiet all day–unusual for him–and sleeping tonight until a little before 9:30 when he suddenly woke up and walked around for a bit. I was wondering then if you had finished the attunements! Since then he’s once again been very quiet and subdued–again, very unusual. He also settled down in bed with me immediately tonight when he is usually restless and off and on the bed a few times before he settles in. The only other thing I noticed was how much SOFTER his fur feels! Weird.
Thank you, Ming! Will keep you posted.
Jack is a wonderful intuitive soul! You’ll have to have him join you when you do sessions. It’s been an honor to connect with Jack this week! Love that he has stepped through a portal, haven’t we all. So you know he’s been paying attention to all the healing that Mom was and is doing! Each time I asked him if he wanted to practice sending healing, he wanted to continue to do the healing on himself. That is his choice. We’ll be having his two sisters in class on Sunday! Then the healing will be flowing everywhere!