Minnie had never shown aggression before. But Mom said she was starting to. She wasn’t eating and Mom wanted some mental healing for her. As we connected with Minnie:
Minnie said Minnie just feels mad, damn mad! Minnie wants Mom and everyone else move away, clear out. Minnie got so home sick for Mom and Minnie feels afraid when Mom is not here that Mom will NEVER come home and Minnie will be abandoned again- ALONE. Minnie knows this is not really true because Mom loves all of us, but Minnie just lets the crazy run with Minnie.
Candy stopped Minnie and said, Minnie time to relax while we reboot you, now Minnie we will check all systems to give Minnie more peace and harmony in Minnie’s brain. This way Minnie when you become overloaded and feel abandoned your brain will click into this place that helps you feel safe and content. Minnie your guardian angel has been there surrounding you with angelic love and light. Relax and let the goodness in , you are loved, you are safe.

Someone has just eaten for the first time in days!! XOXOX