We love Rudy, I remember his first Reiki session so vividly. Him jumping up and down with such excitement. Now to learn energy healing, Candy said he came to her twice all excited. Its so interesting, he talks about why he did it and how different he feels now.
Rudy said Rudy now knows how to stay- wait- be at peace because “all good things come to those (that is Rudy) who wait. Rudy really wanted to learn every lesson so Rudy would pay extra attention and do all the lessons so Rudy could be the BEST. Rudy feels best in a quieter way now. Before everything began Rudy could feel the excitement jumping under Rudy’s skin, in Rudy’s tummy, all over so much that Rudy had to reach out to you and let’s go, Rudy is ready right now!! (This is referring to his 2 visits to Candy) After all the lessons and that attunement for Rudy the rush has ceased. WOW Rudy feels reflective about so much in Rudy’s wonderful life. Rudy wants to help Kelsie every day with some healing. Kelsie needs lots of gentleness and kindness around Kelsie. Rudy will be using the healing on some of the family that comes in to Rudy’s home. Rudy will send the healing out while they are petting Rudy so they can receive the gift in a relaxing way. Rudy knows that Rudy has lots of work to do but Rudy needs to meditate now.
Aww Rudy! What can I say? He is Rudy. His spirit and his love are so huge that is all I see. He is acting calmer and can get very serious. He’s always looked out for Kelsie and protected me, but the intensity seems to have increased since his attunment.
From FB:
Brandie Younce So nice he’ll offer it to petting visitors!
Reiki Fur Babies Yes definitely ! Smart Rudy!
From Rudy’s Mom: Rudy was so cute last night. I had a headache and was having a rough day. Rudy is not a cuddling dog. He likes to sleep alone and not be bothered. Kelsie will jump on my lap and cuddle but not him. Rudy jumped on the couch and laid down next to me. He was in a playful mood so I was surprised when he closed his eyes and looked like he was asleep. Then I realized he had his paw resting on my head and I was petting him. He was sending me healing!! And he wasn’t really asleep because he kept opening his eyes intermittently and looking around.