Fur Baby: Tyyne
Age/breed: estimated 9-10 years / breed unknown (mix) (height 60cm weight 37)
How long have you had pet?: Four years (rescue)
Problems/Issues: Scared of loud big vehicles outside (trash truck, motorcycles, etc). Scared of unknown men coming into our house (sometimes even outside, not so often though anymore than when I got her). She was told to be friends with male dogs when she arrived to the shelter, but after four months there, when I got her, she doesn”t get along with other dogs. Much better now than it was though, but still barking etc when going past other dogs near our house.
How she reacts to the loud vehicles: tries to attack (or at least jump to them). How she reacts if strange men come in and she gets scared: tries to attack (or at least bark, growl and show teeth) . She is ok when we put her to other room behind dog gate (she can see everyone but knows the strangers won”t come to her).
Physical issues: Stuck back muscles (I have gotten her to a massage couple of times, and heard she has a hollow of some kind in her back which means she has gotten some massive force there sometime in her past). Some trauma to have unknown people touching her back legs and tail (the same massage told this, as she was not so stuck there as at the back, but she got way more tense and panting when she was massaged from there).
She just got an urinary tract infection that took couple medical sessions to take care of. She also gets 2 times a day medicine for sterilized female dogs (propalin), that helps for the trouble we had in the spring when she had trouble with escaping urine.
Tynne said Tynne does understand that you are here to help Tynne. When so many painful events are stored in Tynne’s bones, skin and fur it makes it more complicated on releasing. Tynne reacts with fear then aggression whenever a male person comes too close because it is all tied up in the same package. This is wonderful you are hearing Tynne and understand too. Candy told Tynne, yes Tynne absolutely hearing you and feeling your pain too. We will reboot your whole system and check everything is working to its optima. Now Tynne we will be able to repair the past damage caused by the damaged people. We are sending mega amounts of reiki healing energy to every single cell in your body. Your bones, your skin and your fur will feel renewed with new cells rejunevating energy and healing to all those areas. Tynne your brain has been rebooted to trust again. Slowly you will know who to love and who loves Tynne. Tynne said, Tynne is so glad all this is going on and that an angel has been arranged by my mother, owner for Tynne to love, protect and help Tynne continue to heal.
Thank you for your Reiki session. I can’t tell much right now how it went, as Tyyne was calmly lying halfway under our livingroom table before, during and after the healing, so I can’t compare for instance playing -> calming down to receive the energies. But she is like that, calm inside our house, and she really likes to lie under that table. We call it her nest/cave 🙂 For one moment though I thought I smelled popcorn from her paws when she changed position which usually means she enjoys 🙂