I am so excited to start to share these!! Last week was our first fur baby attunement class with 9 participants not including my own yellow lab Sammy Diva. We started last week with Rogue and Zion, such natural healers already.
So.. starting with:
Mama the cat was the first cat to be attuned to the Reiki healing energy. We felt with Mama’s experience and intuition she would be a great candidate to learn the healing .
During the attuenment, we received this email from her Mom:
Mama went to the TOP of her tower and was listening intently. Full of attention. She went to the top of the world to hear. Mom said she is like ok, I’m going to get ready,
she was listening for sure!!!! Even when she curled up, her eyes were open.
By the second day, all of the animals were reminded to practice on themselves and if so moved, to move on to their fur baby siblings or family members.
Several days later with some days of practicing and listening, we asked Mama what she thought of this process.
Mama felt the shift within immediately . Mama always was stand offish but now mama wants to help save the world drama Mama here! For mama to know that mama has this ability to do something so good for another is wow Mama Will be doing lots of love work on Lola and Mama’s Minnie too For Mama inside there is a certain strength that resides and allows Mama to understand that Mama can do wonderful caring things for others A kind of healing of their souls !
We said wow! What stood out to us is “love work” (reiki is love! ) and Mama’s feelings of wanting to save the world. Also Mama called this soul healing! This is just what we do , soul work as we remind so many of our clients to come back to self love. What Mama has shared is so profound! The animals are just awesome, what we can learn from them! (We hear Mama has been working on healing someone’s soul :))