I totally forgot to set this up in advance, but we just made it to the beach house – the one with all the stairs! It’s pretty clear Cisco is going to have some trouble this year, though we’ve come more prepared this time with extra pain meds and a “bottoms up” leash to help lift his back end up the stairs.
Would you have time anytime soon for a session for cisco and his poor creaky hips? I don’t think it’s an emergency per se, but sooner would be better if at all possible
Cisco is now 13 years old. We usually give him a session prior or while they are at the becah house. Here’s what Cisco shared with us during his session: Its funny Cisco knows his angel is there to reassure him and advise we did laugh when he said he wished his angel could carry him . When I saw the stairs on the video, I can see why!!
Cisco said, Cisco thinks an angel should be able to lift and carry Cisco not just reassure and advise. Cisco’s hips, back and other body parts are pretty stiff and it hurts to pull and push Cisco’s extremities. Cisco just wants to relax, meditate, nap and sleep. Cisco is not at home but trying to make here Cisco’s home acceptable- a difficult situation at best. Candy told Cisco, you are doing amazing! Cisco we are going to reboot your whole system. Now Cisco will feel revitalized and some of the old energy will return to Cisco’s tired limbs. Cisco we are also injecting your joints with healing “glucosamine” to repair and reestablish growth to those areas. Cisco said, Cisco and Cisco’s angel like painless health plans for Cisco to feel better. Cisco needs all the good health and healing energy flowing through Cisco. Thank you!
Check out his video: Its awesome!!! (and you are welcome Cisco, he’s so polite!)