Mom asked us to do a session on Theodore because he had not been eating and had lost 10lbs. The Vet did not have a reason. (Mom has been grieving a huge loss now for some time)
Theodore’s session caused me to tear up. As we connected with Theodore, Theodore said Theodore feels sad. yes, the healing energy would be great if Theodore could pass it on to Mom. Theodore does need it now and will use it too. Theodore feels so close to Mom and Mom’s heart is so sad. Theodore feels such a loss because part of Mom is gone. The angels have been so loving to Theodore and Theodore tells them of Theodore’s sorrow. We are all connected here and Mom is the heart that beats for the whole family. Theodore feels so sad and Theodore is tired.
This is a good reminder of how much our pets love us unconditionally and they do take on our pain, our grief, our diseases.
After the healing session, we heard back from Mom:
He started eating better last week and appears to be gaining weight… he follows Scott around in the morning until Scott feeds him… that we have not seen in a while… so its good! xoxo
Mom said he’s much perkier and eating more now!
Love and angels to Theodore and his family. Theodore crossed over today.
Wonderful support from our fan page
Janet Koch Oh, Theodore!
Jody Morgan So strange…we had a cat who looks just like this Theodore pass over last summer very suddenly. He was only 2 and devastated my children. Prayers going to this family. XXXX
Lisa O’Keefe Also sending love and our thoughts to Theodore and his family.
Sharon Rico-Trainor Rest in paradise, Theodore.
Carmel Duff Love to Theodore’s family especially Savannah. Special Guy!
Karen Goosic Aww sweet Theodore. What touching story. Angels please take good care of Theodore in Heaven.
Caren Myers My sympathy and prayers to Theodore’s family. God bless you, Theodore.