Mama of this horse had purchased another 3 sessions for her horse. By the 4th session, we received this email:
Willow is doing fantastic! We finished the ulcer medication and I have been able to take her off of all supplements! She eats almost all of her dinner right away, but always cleans every bit up. She still leaves a lot of hay, but that is ok, I give her the alfalfa pellets to supplement. She is really starting to pick up weight too! I am just so glad she is eating! We are going to start doing a little bit of light work and see how that goes.
Mama was paying alot for her ulcer supplements and she said she was saving lots of money!
So instead of having another Reiki session for her horse, she was able to give her other horse a birthday gift and get some closure on a kitty she once had!
We also helped another horse with ulcers and his Mama said she was saving lots of money because he didn’t need them anymore either after Reiki!
Investing in some Reiki for you or your pet may ultimately save you money in the end not having to buy medications. Reiki jump starts your pet’s wellness center as well as your own!
Got an update from Mom: Willow’s chiropractor was out today, I have her adjusted occasionally because when her hind end is weak she struggles with getting up and down so ends up with her spine all out of whack, and she was very impressed with the progress Willow has made and give me the ok to ride her!! She said that her reflexes were good and she showed me how her balance in her hind end has improved. She has seen Willow several times over the past two years and has really noticed the progress she’s made, especially in gaining weight!! I told her about you guys and the Reiki and she thought it was great!