People have this misconception that because I am so successful in my Reiki practice that my life should be perfect. Conversations will often begin with comments about a cough that I have or a cold. Then comes the jab or snide comment. “Well why don’t you Reiki yourself better?” “How is Gordon?” (One his conditions is Parkinson’s) and of course I should be able to Reiki that away. Wouldn’t the Medical Community be thrilled with that knowledge? (actually the reiki does help :))
Currently I am dealing with my grand daughter who is being a difficult teenager. Well how can this be? Why am I not able to Reiki all of these things away? I have used reiki very succuessfully in my own life (Read here how reiki restored my lung-The Astonishing Power of Reiki.) My husband’s doctors were amazed at how well he was doing prior to any medication. The grand daughter could be worse without guidance and love given to her daily. When these comments are made, I don’t have the retort nor the energy to respond to every swipe made at my reiki practice.
Along with that I should be much wealthier right? Doesn’t Reiki take care of all the bills too? New cars, new houses, new husbands, etc. It’s all too ridiculous to respond to so I say nothing. I find the remarks very hurtful. I believe that these comments are intentional too. They are never made by clients or others from the healing community. They come from those who wear the façade of friendship.
I respect that not all people believe in spiritual healing. This is why I do not discuss Reiki with very many people. I let the success of my Reiki work speak for me. I do have a few good friends who I trust to share my true feelings about all this with.
Therefore this is why I am in my “silent years”. The energy work that I do can’t be shared with closed people. I’m sure this is why I’m in a reiki partnership with Ming. She is able to speak a lot more freely.
She has a much larger fly swatter as well and swats them down immediately. No energy vampires in her world!
P.S. My life is pretty good most days…
It makes me sad to think that anyone would make such thoughtless remarks. I’m sure you know they do not represent they way others feel. And there’s NO WAY that you are a grandmother to a teenager!
I think the work you do is amazing, and I’m glad you and Ming work as a team and that you can share these things with her and not be completely silent. Always good to know you are not alone.
Sending you love!